It worked…now let’s do it some more!

I can’t sufficiently express my gratitude for the day that Nikki and I looked at each other and committed to make a change in our lifestyles and to support each other through our weight loss and fitness journey. It worked! We are both down about 20lbs and feeling great! We chatted the other day and realized that it is time to get serious again. Like Nikki mentioned we have new goals as well as some exciting life events that have happened and that soon will happen that we would love to share with everyone. Stay tuned for more exciting updates to come! 

June 8, 2011Weight – 166 lbs


Arms – 11 ½ inches

Chest – 39 inches

Waist – 34 inches

Abs – 41 inches

Hips – 43 ½ inches

Thigh – 25 inches

Calves – 15 inches

October 20, 2012Weight – 145lbs


Arms – 10.5 inches

Chest – 35.5 inches

Waist – 31 inches

Abs – 37 inches

Hips – 41 inches

Thigh – 21 inches

Calves – 14 inches

Altogether I have lost 21lbs and 19 inches over my body! No wonder when my husband hugs me he tells me I’m little now (oh yeah…I got married! I’ll tell you more about that later). So I have a solid base to start from. I feel faster, not so much stronger, so I will have to work on that. I can run a lot longer than ever before and I like my body.

My goals:

1)      Hit 135lbs by March 27th, 2013.

2)      Run 12km/week every week

3)      Complete the 10 km skate as part of a team triathlon at the Silver Skate Festival on February 17th.

4)      Incorporate weight training into my workouts at least 2x/week

5)      Swim 20 laps at least 1x/week

6)      I like Nikki’s Goal of 20 pushups…I think this will be the hardest goal for me to accomplish but wouldn’t it be bad ass if Nikki and I were the cute girls in the gym that could do 20 pushups in a row? Yup pretty bad ass indeed!

Nikki-Kelly Rippa arms

I’ve been maintaining my weight for what a year now? I’m actually 2lbs lighter than when Jill and I did our final weigh-ins which is great, but I worry that’s because I’ve lost so much muscle.  That is the main reason my new goals are to weight train 2-3times a week, work on push ups and pull ups!

I want to have Kelly Rippa arms

those are some damn fine (and strong) arms

A kid I work with told me I have chicken wings for arms.  Actually he flat-out called them Oprah arms, which made me laugh out loud, both times he made comments. 

If you don’t know the term Oprah Arms here it is explained via Urban Dictionary

Oprah Arms-the condition in which you have an excess buildup of fat in the area between your elbow and armpit. After waving goodbye, the fat continues to move after waving is finished.

I DO NOT HAVE OPRAH ARMS, but I do not have Kelly Rippa arms either, they’re more of a Lindsay Lohan pre drugs/anorexia weight loss arms, or maybe my arms aren’t like that at all. 

I asked a few friends this morning but they were a tad surprised to receive a text at 8am on a Saturday 

“Which celebrity would you compare my arms to?” 

“Umm, WHAT?”

Not sure why they were so surprised by such an important question.  But I did get an answer after giving 3 options: Oprah, Lindsay Lohan (as explained above) and Rhianna.  Jen said I couldn’t have arms like Rhianna since I’m not black.  Now I’m just depressed since I could have sworn I was Rhiannas twin.

Oh well such is life.  I guess I’ll just work towards having Kelly Rippa arms.

Nikki-new goals

I have new goals! and I’m hoping my readers will help me stay motivated and accountable! 

I still want to lose about 10-15 lbs but that’s not my total focus.  I feel flabby and weak.  I want to feel as strong as I did when I was only doing weights twice a week with my trainer so that is the basis of my new goal.

I feel good, I really do at my size, but there are some of my clothes that feel tight even though the chart below shows that I have lost inches in the last few months.   I think it’s mainly that I have been focusing on running so much instead of weight training and not really counting all my calories so I feel bigger than I maybe actually am because I don’t feel as strong as I did.  Oh right, for those of you who didn’t know I have been blogging from Nikkiinhighgear since my last post here, I also ran 2 half marathons in 2012! one with Jill in May and one in September all by my lonesome lol.   I’ve really enjoyed both and plan on doing a few more next spring/summer/fall, Any who here is the chart.

June 2011 July  2012 October 2012
Upper Arm  12.5 11 10.5
Chest 39.5 38 37
Waist 34.25 31 32
ABD 39 37 35.5
Hips 42 42 41
Thigh 27 23.5 23
Calf 14.75 15 15
Weight 171 152 152

So really I don’t feel like I’m in a bad position at all with where my inches have gone up a little or gone down a little.  But here’s to building muscle and making those inches even smaller!

MY NEW GOALS-to be complete by March 27 2013 which is 22 weeks away!

1. Weight train 2-3x weekly

2. To be able to do 20 regular push ups with no breaks and without being totally out of breath after.

3. Reach goal weight of 140lbs

this is a goal I don’t know if I’ll be able to actually accomplish, but I’m going to try!

4. Do one unassisted pull up

I have NEVER had enough upper body strength to do even one pull up, but I would like to work on that.  If I don’t get there, at least I tried but I would like to know that if I fell off a cliff and was hanging there I would have enough upper body strength to pull myself up!

Here is the dreaded part that I think makes me most accountable, sharing my before photos!

as much as I am happy at where I am in my skin, I’m not always so confident in showing off my skin. I wont go into a list of “I hates” about my body because that’s just lame and I don’t feel like being lame today (though I do have those days, we all do)

October 2012
152 lbs
Can you tell I didin’t know what to do with my hands? lol also sorry about the bed head!


so  here’s a list of things I like: My legs are more toned from all the running I have been doing, I love the dorky smile I have plastered on my face, Even though my boobs are a full cup size smaller than when I started this entire journey I think they’re still looking Great!, I actually really like the entire middle/side photo I think I look very strong, I’ve always had this fascination about collar bones that pop out just slightly an I think mine are about as perfect as pop out can be.

Alright thanks for checking in! more to come soon!

We’re BACK!!!

Well it’s been a little while since we last posted but we are proud to announce that we will be back to posting about our goals, struggles, accomplishments, and just fun stuff that we get up too.

We both have some new goals to work towards that aren’t just focused on losing weight, though may include still some weight loss, and will be sharing those goals with our lovely readers in the next week or so. 

We’re also going to post our measurements, before photos that we resently took and promise to post at least once a week!


I’m still on a bit of a high from friday.  Jill and I play on the same ball hockey team and we won the gold medal game!!! Great work out, great out come, and I pulled a muscle in my quad… I truly am a walking disaster at the tender age sudden lol but I’m not letting it bring me down.  I’m still getting in workouts that wont bother that area and resting it.  Great news as well, I finally had my chiropractor appointment.  One quick adjustment to my neck and the pain in my hip is literally gone (the pulled muscles/knot in my quad is not,but it’s feeling better).  This is the first time I’ve gone to a chiropractor and he is a heaven-sent angel.   I was right about my hips being out-of-place, and I have proof in x-ray form, though I’m not sure I shared that thought with anyone but Ryan.  I asked him one day after a painful run just to yank on my left leg and see if that would pop it back into place lol, didn’t work.  Anyways, the chiropractor knew I was a runner, which made me feel all important and made me think in my head “I am a runner, I am an athlete” which is something I have never considered myself even though I grew up playing on every school sports team and community basketball.  But I’ve always been an athlete, I just forgot how to be one for a few years.

Not only am I on a high from Friday’s ball hockey, but on  Thursday I went out and ran 9km pain-free as well.  I hadn’t run that long in a while and it felt amazing.  The first 10-20 minutes are always the hardest, got to find my pace, get use to breathing and feeling the groove but after that I was set.  I actually had people in their winter jackets staring at me like I was crazy as I ran past them in capris and a t-shirt.     All the while I was thinking things similar to the Jessica from the Maxwell commercial this is her actual video Jessica’s “Daily Affirmation”

I like how she ended with I can do anything better than anyone lol I tell myself that (even if it’s not true) just to get me through some tough moment sometimes.  It helps.  I also love how she stood in the mirror to tell her self about everything she liked and that’s what I’ve been doing.  Except I don’t stand on the sink to do it.

I also finally had time to weigh mPinned Imagemyself, I’m at 150lbs (that’s -1lb) though after the amount of ice cream cake I had tonight that number could be so off lol  but I’m reminding myself exactly what this picture says.  I am working towards a goal weight, but that number does not define me.  I am strong, I am beautiful, I am healthy and I will continue to work on those things as I continue to work out, as getting back in to working out was a lifestyle change not a “just for a while change” or a “until my wedding change”.  I’m not working out to be 100lbs (like I joke about) I’m working out so that I will live a healthy and long life!

Sorry I didn’t post on my usual dates this week, it’s been a busy one!

Jill – Pain is temporary, pride is forever and other inspirational things!

I have been so busy lately it has been difficult to find time to run let alone write a blog post. I have found that I have missed it! I have missed sharing my thoughts and feelings with you…I don’t even know if anyone is reading this so that might be an odd thing to miss. Oh well… LOL

I was inspired by Nikki’s motivational quotes and wanted to share some of my favorites.




I feel like this is a good motivator when I hit those days when I want to do anything but run and sweat.






This one often describes how I sometimes set myself up for failure by wasting time before a run so I don’t have time to do as long of a run as I intended that day.





 I am making a promise to myself that the next scheduled long run I have I will stick to my timeline so that I actually complete my full training run.




And this is something I have to remind myself of. I may have to turn it into my mantra!

I often fight an internal struggle between my inner strength and outer strength. Sometimes I catch myself being all talk and no action. Well that is going to have to end because whether I train hard enough or not I am going to run a 21.1km race on May 12th and in my mind I am dedicated to do “Whatever it takes” to succeed. My body can handle it too…then why do I give myself a way out when training gets tough? That I don’t know but I have been chatting with some runner friends and they have been really kind to give me advice…and Sharkies…Thanks Candace!

Every runner hits a point in their training when they just don’t feel like they have enough time or enough energy or enough…whatever. I have to pull up my socks, get myself a new pair of running shoes and hit the road. this Saturday calls for a 16km run. I will run it, I will do 10 and 1’s to train myself but rain, snow or sunshine I will run 16km. No shortcuts, no wasting time, no excuses, no limits.



I found this

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after I blogged about how I’m going to change how I view my body.  I have already noticed changes this week in my thinking.  I would compare my Thighs and ass to this girls.  Big and strong.  There are more motivational and inspiring tidbits like this that I keep going back to remind myself just how strong I am.   Also this one kills me, as I’m a huge fan of the hunger games and if you hung out with me before the move premier I was threatening your life as I would totally win the Games, I’m that strong 😉  

Be FitI went for a run yesterday to burn off some steam.  I was super impressed with myself because I truly just wanted to drive to McDonald’s and stuff my face with all sorts of fat.  I ran for an hour, not caring how far I went or what pace, I just needed to get out.  While I was running against the wind I noticed how tired my legs were getting.  I kept envisioning how strong my muscles are and kept the positive self talk (in my head) going and within seconds after reminding myself my legs are strong, I noticed how less tired I was and how my body actually wanted to do what I was making it do.  

I was going to weigh in today but I’m not at home… so it’ll have to wait until monday.  We’ll see if I got close to my goal of 146lb by the end of March. If not, April is another month to attempt it.  

Have a fun and active weekend 🙂

Nikki-Amazing Salmon dinner

I’ve been spending so much time in my kitchen I decided to try out at least one new recipe a day when I have days off. This week I made some things off of pinterest and out of The Looneyspoons Collections- Janet and Greta Podleskiare amazingly talented.  You can find a few of their recipes  featured on their site, I’ve also tried the Fee, Fie, Faux Fried Chicken and loved it as well (I even substituted skim milk instead of the buttermilk they called for and it was still great!)

   Also a big thanks given out to Megan for giving me this cookbookLooneyspoons_Cover(New) for a house-warming gift!

I’ve been on a major calorie counting streak and I’m really enjoying trying all these new and healthy recipes I’ve found.  I love cooking so I find it rewarding to cook soemthing that is healthy and delicous and that I can share!  

If you like Salmon you have to try this!

Salmon Cowell

Grilled salmon in an orange-ginger marinade

look at it marinading!

all you need is:

1/4cup orange juice

1/4 cup hoisin sauce

1tbsp reduced-sodium soy sauce

1tbsp grated gingerroot

1tsp grated orange zest

Pinch crushed red pepper flakes

4 boneless skinless salmon fillets

-Mixed all those ingredients and then pour on the salmon to marinade for at least minutes (I did mine all day)

Grill then 3-4 minutes each side on the bbq or if your bbq runs out of propane like mine did broil them 4 inches away for 8 minutes.

Per serving:

calories:253,  Total fat: 9.4 g (1.5 g saturated), Protein 29 g,

 Carbohydrate 11 g, Fiber 0.5 g, Cholesterol 78 g, sodium 358 g

This was probably my most favourite salmon of all time, and I love a good teriyaki salmon.  I also made sweet potato fries and coconut rice out of the cookbook and both were amazing as well!

Nikki-Changing the way I think

There are times were I actually believe I am close to unstoppable.  I’ve worked so hard to get where I am.  I’m strong, I’m fit, I’m healthier than I was, I look amazing-Nothing can bring me down… And then there are days were I look in the mirror and still see and act like, the chubby unfit and very unhappy person I was.   I hate those days.  I’ve been having a few of them in the last few months but I’m working on changing that, but it’s hard to change the way you think especially about yourself.

I have always, for as long as I can remember, been self-conscious.  I’ve always had body imagine issue, I’ve always thought I was pretty but if I could just be thinner I would be gorgeous and HAPPY.  The key thought I always had: if I could be smaller, skinny, get rid of my thunder thighs anything that will make me smaller that will = HAPPINESS.  When in reality that’s now how it works.  When I was weighing in at 140 (a few years ago) I still thought I was fat and when I’ve looked back at those pictures, I think how crazy I must be for thinking that.  The sill thing is, I know when I get down to 140lbs again, I’ll still do the same thing!  Thin girls have just as many body hang ups as any other girl out there.  They still think they’re to fat, have giggly bits, or sometimes they think they are to small and can’t manage to put weight on.   It just seems no matter what you can’t win, but you can if you work at changing the way you think about yourself and that is what I am finally going to put some time in and do.

Here’s how I’m going to start:

Confronting the Mirror: Changing the way I think about parts of my body 

 I have been called Thunder thighs by many obnoxious people trying to hurt my feelings, and it use to hurt me.  Now I tell myself that these thighs of mine are ridiculously strong.  I could kill a man with this bad-girls.  They are muscle that help me run all the km I have been putting in.  How could you hate thighs that do that?  I am going to look at myself in the mirror and check out the parts of my body that I do like, and put a more positive spin on the ones I don’t love as much.  

Positive self talk

 I use it all the time when I’m working out.  Jill and I talk about it to and remind each other to use it (especially during hill training) When I’m feeling like I’m going to give up or just need a pick me up.  Here is what I tell myself:

I’m strong, I’m healthy, I’m fit, I’m unstoppable, I’m beautiful.  Sometimes when I’m really struggling I need to remind myself that: “I’ve got this”, “I’m almost there”, “Go HARD and then GO HOME” (lol changed that one up to remind myself I’m almost done) and of course “All the strength you need is within”

 Again there are days when I don’t need to do these things since I am beyond amazing (in my head) but it’s for the days I’ve been having where I can’t seem to make anything positive.  Anyone have tips or activites on how to boost self-esteem/image? I’d love to hear what you all do.

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Nikki-Just a tune up

Ok so I finally went out for a 10km run today.  Figured it had been 2 weeks since I took a break, have a massage booked tomorrow and am going to the chiropractor in just over a week.  Well yet again the first 5km were AWESOME!  I even had a running buddy today- Margaret, Ryan’s mom’s dog that we’re dog sitting (funny little jack russell cocapoo who can run for years).  We were motoring along, hit the 5km mark and then that damn pain in my hip started up and progressed down into my knee.  I continued running/walking to finish off the 10km, in just over an hour 1:07:14 (not bad for walking a fair amount on the last 5km) was my time and on my way I had actually already ran past my physiotherapist’s office so I called them and set up a time to swing by, as this pain was unbearable.

Adam is amazing.  That’s my physiotherapist.  He asked a few quick questions and knew exactly the where my muscles were tight and explained it to me to so I’d understand.  Basically there’s a muscle in my hip/lower back that is tight, and then it goes down in to my leg which pulls on my knee.  That’s what I took from it anyway!  He did some crazy digging/stretching/massaging and then acupuncture and then electroshock therapy lol

As seen here.

My leg was twitching hard the entire time and I think Adam took great pleasure out of stabbing me with these needles.  I laugh when I’m uncomfortable or in slight pain, so he was having a good chuckle at me laughing about my displeasure.

He ended with a heat pad and some simple stretches.  I’m still in pain, but he beat my leg up and I’m suppose to hurt for the rest of the day.  I should be able to go for a long run this weekend with Jill !

Anyhow I’m glad I went to the physio, well worth the visit and it’s covered by my benefits anyway.  May as well use it!

Keep your fingers crossed for me, I’m feeling pretty good about being able to train hard again!