Jill- Push ups are easier than finding the time to do them!

I wrote that doing 20 push ups in a row would be the hardest part of my goals this time around.

The bad news…

I guess I would like to correct that. Finding time to work toward and complete my goals will be the hardest part of this journey. Actually doing push-ups is the only part I have stuck to so far. So I have to re-evaluate and set out an actual timeline to make sure I am setting realistic goals.

The good news…

I have realized that I am not that far away from doing 20 push-ups as I thought! I can easily do 20 modified push-ups in a row and last night I went on to do 6 regular push-ups as well! I spoke with a fitness instructor at the YMCA who is also the queen of push-ups. I asked her what I can do to get into good enough shape to do a lot of push-ups. She said, “Jill, if you want to do push ups, you have to do push ups.” Damn….I thought I could lift a few weights and then miraculously I would be able to do push ups! Guess I’ll just have to keep doing the G forsaken things till I’m good at them. She also said, “Once your Tatas touch the floor you are ready to do regular push ups.” Well since losing weight the Tatas are further from the floor so this might take awhile!

After all practice makes perfect right?

We will see.

Also, last night I made the most amazing Zuchinni pancakes. Here is the recipe…if you prefer less fat content and less calories you can always choose to bake these in the oven instead.

Zucchini Pancakes


  • 3 Zucchinis Grated
  • 1.5 Cups of Whole Wheat Flour (add more if necessary)
  • 3 Garlic Cloves
  • 5 Stems of Green Onions
  • Black Pepper, Salt to taste
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of Corn Starch
  • 1/4 cup of water

**I added one jalapeno pepper- minced…because I like it spicy!

Grate & Mix the above and fry in olive oil.

 I paired them with a chickpea masala ragout (I just made that name up) and it was deliscious.

This is how it looks in my tupperware container as I almost always eat last night’s supper for lunch at work. Wish I had of taken a photo last night when the presentation was much better. But you get the idea.

The Chickpea Masala Ragout is made with:

1 can of chick peas

a cup of chopped peppers

green onions

thinly sliced yellow onion

masala curry powder

1.5 cup of pasta sauce

2 cloves of garlic – minced

black pepper to taste

dried basil

*I put all veggies in a frying pan then added chickpeas and curry, then added the pasta sauce. Once everything is warm it is ready. I like my veggies crisp so I didn’t cook them for long. This time around I used already minced garlic so I didn’t need to use extra oil to cook the veggies as the garlic already has a little bit in it.
